A fairy tale love story with a happily ever after is what we all want.
Yet the reality is quite the opposite.
Especially when we lived, struggled through, and, yes, survived a failed relationship or marriage. Suddenly our fairy tale dream, which we so confidently stepped into, becomes our greatest nightmare leaving us in fear, doubt and confusion.
Confused about what a healthy relationship even looks like or if it is possible. Doubtful in our ability to ever have and experience happiness in our relationship. Fearful that the past will keep on repeating itself.
All of these add to the pressure when we finally take the brave step to enter a new relationship as if relationships in themselves are not hard enough.
Yet, it is possible to overcome our past and freely enjoy happiness in our future and the way we do it is by implementing one good, healthy habit at a time.
One such habit is the talk-and-listen sessions mentioned in the dealing with frustration blog published a while back.
We want to know that we are important enough to the other person that they are interested in what is in our hearts. Yet, we fear sharing the deepest parts of our hearts because of bad experiences. However, this is the most element that will take our relationships to a new level.
But how do we go about having these talk-and-listen sessions?
Timing — Timing in everything. Talking in the heat of frustration, anger, or resentment will only bring more distance in the relationship. Allow yourself time to work and sort through the overwhelming emotions before you hold a talk-and-listen session.
Remember why — The goal is to draw closer to one another by understanding what is in their minds and hearts.
No interruption policy — The ones talking must have an uninterrupted chance to speak their minds and share their hearts. The moment they get interrupted, they lose courage, focus, and train of thought, and the essence of the exercise gets lost.
Be honest — It takes courage, but speaking the truth in love about frustrations makes a relationship intimate and unbreakable. It takes away all confusion and uncertainty. The essence of what is wrong becomes known and makes it easier to find a workable solution.
The power of I — When you speak, speak from a place of how you experience certain things or how you feel and think about certain things. Do not blame and tell the other person how bad they are in the situation. Remember, the why.
Listen to the heart — Listen to understand and not to respond. It makes a world of difference in creating a safe space in a relationship.
Take turns — Conversation is not a one-way street, nor are relationships. Both must have an equal chance to share their fears, doubts, and struggles. Then and only then will both feel safe, understood and loved.
That is what relationships are all about and what makes a relationship intimate and unbreakable.
Not keeping quiet but being able to speak the truth in love about the frustration we feel and then finding a mid-way without losing ourselves is what sets happy and healthy relationships apart.
Talk again soon