Do you ever wish you could take back something you said or did and feel bad for hurting someone you love?
I’ve felt that way too.
We promise ourselves to do better but end up doing the same hurtful things again.
We get confused and wonder why we keep acting this way.
It feels like we’re stuck in a never-ending cycle, feeling helpless and thinking we can never change or be good enough.
But there is hope.
We can break free from this cycle of hurting others and ourselves.
It starts with understanding why we behave this way — the ideas we believe in.
Everything begins with what we think is true.
Our beliefs affect how we feel and act and create patterns that are hard to break.
If we don’t deal with these harmful habits, they will become a part of who we are and determine our future.
So what is a belief?
A belief is what we think is true or right about something.
It’s a strong trust or confidence in an idea, principle, or opinion.
Beliefs shape how we see ourselves, the people around us, and the world.
They influence our perception of reality and affect our whole being.
Beliefs are like building blocks of our identity and play an enormous role in our lives, especially in our relationships.
They guide us in how we act and think.
Now that we know what a belief is and how it affects us, let’s look at how these powerful guides form.
Beliefs don’t develop in isolation but through various influences.
When we’re young, our family and close relationships teach us values, opinions, and behaviours that we start to believe in.
As we grow older, our friends and society also shape how we see and interact with the world.
One of the most prominent factors influencing our beliefs is our life experiences.
Traumatic events, heartbreaks, or personal failures can lead to negative thoughts about ourselves, others, and the world.
These negative assumptions often make us act in ways that protect us from pain or hurt.
It is especially true in relationships, where we feel most vulnerable.
Our beliefs affect what we expect, our communication style, and how we handle disappointment and conflict in our relationships.
Beliefs about trust, love, and worthiness directly impact how we feel and eventually connect with the person we love.
We can either open up and be vulnerable or unintentionally shut down and keep our thoughts to ourselves.
By becoming aware of our beliefs and recognizing how they affect our relationships, we can identify any negative patterns and actively work on developing healthier and more empowering ways of thinking.
Then we can leave the past behind, have healthier relationships, and write a happier story.
Finding our beliefs is a process of reflecting on ourselves and looking inside.
Take the time to explore your thoughts, emotions, and automatic responses to discover the underlying beliefs that shape how you see things.
Writing in a journal, practising mindfulness, and having deep conversations with trusted people can help us understand our core beliefs.
Knowing ourselves is the first step to understanding why we act the way we do and how our relationships are affected.
In future blog posts, we will go deeper into how to handle harmful beliefs and begin a journey of renewal.
First, I want you to take the time to reflect on and uncover the harmful beliefs that are affecting your relationship.
Beliefs are powerful forces that shape our thoughts, emotions, and actions.
By recognizing the impact of our beliefs, we can actively work on identifying harmful patterns and changing our belief systems to grow personally and have healthier connections with others.
Taking it one step at a time is the key to lasting change.
In future blog posts, we will explore practical strategies for dealing with harmful beliefs and starting a transformational journey.
If you have any difficulty discovering your core beliefs, feel free to email me at, I will be happy to help you.
Talk again soon
Belinda Pieterse — ReDefine Relationship Coach