Where did the time go?
We are already at the end of January 2023, and I wonder how many people managed to keep focus.
With each New Year, we feel hope rising, believing that this New Year will be better than the previous. We spend hours thinking about the coming year, imagining what we will do differently to make our lives better and happier.
Then the festive season ends, we return to our everyday lives, and before we know it, all our good intentions fall behind — a never-ending pattern. Hoping, dreaming, wishing — of which non will ever bring lasting change to our lives.
What if, at the end of 2023, things can be different?
What if hoping, dreaming, and wishing can become a reality?
What if we can look back with satisfaction, knowing that the change we wanted is permanent?
It is possible, and it starts with each of us choosing to become instruments towards permanent transformation.
But where to start?
The one area that impacts our entire lives is our relationships. We cannot function or grow outside of relationships.
Whether it is becoming financially stable, losing that extra holiday weight, building a successful business or living an intentional, meaningful life. Relationships form an integral part of our daily lives, influencing and navigating all other areas of our existence.
Not even to mention the role relationships with our loved ones have on our emotional and mental energy. If we experience peace and harmony in our relationships with our loved ones, we can function at a much higher level of productivity. We are more motivated and can focus easily without the disruption of being emotionally and mentally drained.
Relationships, especially those close to our hearts, play an impeccable role in the success we see and experience in our lives.
Which brings about another important matter — how do I transform the relationships in my life from stressful to healthy? Especially when a failed relationship or two lurks from the shadows of our past.
Failed relationships often cause:
All of this starts with failed relationships leaving us to see ourselves negatively, sometimes to such an extent that we question who we are.
Through the years, I noticed that how I treat myself will determine how others treat me. If I confidently believe in my abilities, know the value I bring to the world around me and boldly persist in building and maintaining a better relationship with myself, the world follows automatically without any additional effort from my side.
It can be true for you as well. You can be confident in your ability to build and navigate your relationships, starting with your relationship with yourself.
And because you deserve to experience happiness in your relationships, I compiled a complete roadmap to help you transform your everyday life from uncertainty and struggle and only survive to live boldly, confidently and successfully in 2023.
With this year’s complete roadmap, you can focus on a different aspect of your relationship with yourself each month.
Which, in the end, I know will automatically overflow and transform all other relationships in your life and leave you looking back with a sense of achievement and contentment at the end of 2023.
Here is how:
A transformed life is not only for the selected few. All of us can experience a transformed life, including you.
Choose to become an instrument of permanent transformation, starting with confidently building, growing and maintaining your relationships, especially your relationship with yourself.
Make 2023 a year to remember. You deserve it.
Talk again soon
Belinda Pieterse — ReDefine